
请放心, you’ll receive an accurate 诊断, 个性化护理, and advanced treatment options for skin cancer at 社区医院’s Comprehensive Cancer Center.


问你的 初级护理 provider if you’d benefit from skin exams by a health professional. Regular exams can help you identify suspicious moles or bumps early, especially if you’ve had skin cancer in the past or you have other risk factors. Prevention, early detection, and timely treatment improve your long-term outcome.

Diagnosing skin cancer

If your doctor wants to learn more about a lump, sore, or mark on your skin, they may order a biopsy. For this procedure, you’ll receive local anesthetic to numb the skin. 然后,你的 doctor will remove all or part of the suspicious area and send it to a lab to check for cancer.

Treating skin cancer

If you receive a skin cancer 诊断,你的 皮肤科医生 (skin doctor) will work with other clinicians as needed to provide exactly the right treatment for you.

皮肤癌s are divided into 2 categories: melanoma and nonmelanoma. Melanoma is potentially a more dangerous type of skin cancer. 因此, we have a multidisciplinary team including surgeons, 医疗肿瘤学家, and radiation oncologists who work together to put together individualized treatment plans for each patient.


莫氏手术 cures 98 percent of cases of basal cell carcinoma, the most common type of skin cancer. This treatment works especially well for large tumors that:

  • 边界不均匀
  • Are in places where surgical removal likely won’t cause other health problems
  • Have returned after other cancer treatments


在手术过程中,你的 surgeon removes a thin layer of skin and checks the tissue under a microscope. If cancer cells are visible, the surgeon takes off another layer, 检查它, and repeats the process until the skin samples are free of cancer cells.

Usually, the treated area of skin heals on its own afterward. But if you want to improve the look of the area, ask if a minor 整形手术 程序可以有所帮助.

Low-energy X-ray therapy

Superficial radiation therapy works well for skin cancer that’s on areas where surgery may not be your best option, such as your:

  • 耳朵
  • 眼睛
  • 鼻子

This treatment uses low-energy X-rays on just the top layer of tissue, where cancer cells are. Your doctor customizes the treatment dose for your cancer, so you get results with as little radiation as possible. Therapy sessions are as short as one minute, which means you can keep your everyday routine.

Take comfort knowing you’re in experienced hands for this treatment at 社区医院. We’ve been providing superficial radiation therapy longer than any other provider in the area.

Support 和幸存者hip

Make life with cancer easier by taking advantage of a wide range of patient and caregiver resources through 社区医院. You’ll learn more about your care options, and you’ll have opportunities to make meaningful connections with supportive professionals, 病人, 和幸存者.

During and after treatment, survivorship services will help you and your doctor keep you in your best health long term.


You’ll need a referral from your doctor to schedule a cancer care appointment at 蒙太奇的健康’s 社区医院 of the Monterey Peninsula. Contact us at (831) 625-4753 if you have questions or need help.
